Interior: A Touch of Sunshine

Client’s requests: Dark walls, classic pieces, white/gray/yellow/leather color scheme, and a couple of ties to their personal hobbies/interests scattered throughout the room. They also requested surfaces be left a little more sparse, to add in personal items once their family member moved in.

I changed out the flooring for a more rustic wood that they liked, and added wooden beams in three points of the ceiling.

The map of Barovia (Ravenloft, D&D) is my own modern take on the fantasy map. Client was happy to have it as a hobby piece.

Bed: West Village Clinton Bed, White Linen
Bed Pillow: Ariskea[Dolce] Pompom Pillow [Aztec]
Tables and Cabinets: West Village Eleanora – Chalkboard
Drawing Table: Apple Fall Drafting Table
Seat: Apple Fall Ram Chaise – Dark Chocolate
Table Lamps: {what next} Quatrefoil Table Lamp (brass)
Floor Lamp: hive // tenley floor lamp . bronze
Floor Plant: dust bunny . pilea peper plant
Dresser Plant: BAMSE : Home Studio – Plant
Dog Statue: MESHWORX~Bulldog Glossy Yellow
Radio: -tb- Bon Voyage – Clock Radio (Yellow)
Rug: FD & Commoner: Indio Rug
Big Frame: +Half-Deer+ Gallery Frame – Black – 16:9
Smaller Frames: +Half-Deer+ Gallery Frame – Black – 1:1
Overnight Bag: Tres Blah – Slumber Party – Overnight Bag

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